"A Really Exciting Day" by Andreu

On Thursday we started a nine thirty. When we finished we stayed in the garden talking and having our break. Then we went back to the classes and we had our speaking&fluency lesson. After that we went to the canteen and we ate the lunch. When we finished we played football until 2:00 when we caught the Luas to go to Dublin Center. First we visit a multicultural museum where there were Asian culture, African culture, Orient culture and European culture. After we walked to the Dublin Castle. There we could see the "ruines" of the castle and a guide told us the history of them.
At 5:00 we caught the Luas again and we returned home.

Finally at 7:20 we met in the school to go to the minigolf in Dundrum. It was an amazing minigolf!

Thursday was a really exciting day.

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